JFSA's Jewish Food Bank is looking to meet client's immediate needs through their Summer Project Series. Projects include:
Backpacks for ChildrenThis Fall children in our community are
in need of backpacks filled with school supplies.
The children in need are of Pre-School,
Middle School and High School age.
Honey for High HolidaysThe Jewish Food Bank is looking for honey
for Rosh Hashanah NOW.
Rosh Hashanah does fall early this year.
Centre PiecesPlease remember the Jewish Food Bank
for your next Bar or Bat Mitzvah!
To help us fill this basket please contact us.
For more information on these campaigns please contact
Shelley Ail at
For more information about JFSA please contact
Annica Carlsson at
604.257.5151 ext 230 or
acarlsson@jfsa.ca .
For more information about JWI-BC, please contact
Sara Ciacci at